Redemption of a mortgage registry

Making your final mortgage payment is an exciting and important step. But owners often lose sight of other formalities that need to be resolved in order for the apartment to become the borrower’s full property, and for no disagreements to remain with the bank. To avoid getting into a difficult situation, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances regarding the closure of a mortgage agreement and actions after paying off the mortgage.

Full repayment of the mortgage

Many people ask what to do next after paying off their mortgage. Not only does obtaining a loan for an apartment require a large number of documents. Closing a debt to a bank is also subject to a certain protocol.

Request to the bank

What to do after paying off the mortgage? With the spread of online banking, you can open a personal account and view your debt balance. However, it is better to make a formal request to the bank, requesting a statement with the exact amount of the last debit. Even a shortage of a few kopecks will result in interest charges and failure to close the account. As a rule, contributions are made in equal payments, and the final one is slightly different from the rest. Execution of statements is available in many banks through your personal account.

It is better to make the final payment at the bank office to avoid misunderstandings. Electronic services often display information with delays. During the in-person visit, an application with the current amount will be generated, the required amount will be deposited and a certificate will be generated.

After making the last payment, proof of repayment of the debt will be a certificate of repayment and a statement confirming the zero balance of the mortgage. Their presence will confirm the borrower’s fulfillment of obligations.

Obtaining the necessary certificates after closing the mortgage

After repaying the mortgage, it is necessary to clear the registration entry in the Unified State Register. If this is not done, it may negatively affect the ability to dispose of real estate. The procedure for removing the encumbrance depends on the existence of a mortgage. A registered security confirms the transfer of property as collateral. Any real estate can be used as a mortgage. If the borrower was the mortgagor, then it is enough to contact the bank and get a mortgage note on which there will be a note indicating the repayment of the obligations undertaken. The bank provides a mortgage with a note that the agreement will be repaid within five days.

The situation becomes more complicated if the mortgagor is another person. In this case, both need to fill out an application, provide a mortgage note and a statement of repaid debt. There is no need to pay a state fee for canceling an entry in the Unified State Register. Acceptance of documents for the removal of encumbrances is carried out at the MFC, which is located in every district. Repayment is carried out within three to five business days after receipt of documents. Confirmation is an extract from Rosreestr, which does not contain a note on restriction of rights. After this, the owner will be able to fully dispose of his property.

It is not the owner, but an authorized representative who can submit an application and documents. In this case, you will additionally need to provide a power of attorney certified by a notary. After repaying the mortgage, the mortgage note and other documents should be kept in a safe place - for example, in a safe deposit box or safe.

Return of the mortgage after repayment of the debt

Until the mortgage is repaid, the mortgage is held either by the mortgagee or by a third party. It is important, after paying off the debt, to return the mortgage with a mark on it indicating the repayment of the entry in the Unified State Register. To do this you need to write an application. The terms should not exceed a month from the date of the last payment.

The concept of encumbrance and the procedure for removing it from a mortgaged apartment

The next step is to pay off the mortgage registry.
The Federal Law “On Mortgages” (Article 25) implies that the encumbrance can be removed from the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. In some localities and cities, this service is also available at the MFC.

To do this you will need the following package of documents:

  • Borrower's passport;
  • The original certificate confirming the fulfillment of obligations in full - must be printed on company letterhead and have all the necessary details and signatures;
  • Mortgage from a lender;
  • Power of attorney to remove the encumbrance if a bank representative cannot accompany the client during the procedure;
  • Statement of the established form on behalf of the borrower;
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (cost is 200 rubles, and is paid only when you need a certificate without encumbrance marks).

If the mortgage was issued without a mortgage, the lender and borrower need to write a joint application to remove restrictions on the property. In addition, the mandatory presence of a bank employee with a power of attorney at the MFC will be required.

After all the necessary documents are transferred to Rosreestr, the encumbrance on the property will be removed, and the former borrower will become its full owner and will be able to carry out any transactions with the property - sale, donation, etc.

Clearing a registration usually takes about 3-5 business days, and all information about the status of your case will be freely available on the registration authority's website.

Encumbrance refers to the process of registering a mortgage on an apartment purchased on credit. This procedure is considered a guarantee of further payments from the borrower. Without it, obtaining a mortgage to purchase a home is impossible.

A mortgage is a (registered) security that regulates collateral relations, as well as issues of debt repayment between the lender and the borrower. The document specifies the basic terms and conditions of the mortgage that are essential. If the provisions do not comply, the mortgage is considered a more significant legal document compared to the mortgage agreement.

If the client maliciously evades payment of fees, the banking organization, on the basis of the mortgage, has the right to confiscate the mortgaged apartment and subsequently realize (remortgage, sell) it to pay off the debt.

Having fulfilled the payment obligations, the owner should begin to remove the burden from the apartment. The procedure boils down to the following steps:

  1. Receive the original mortgage note from bank employees. The document must contain information:
  • on the client’s fulfillment of all obligations to the creditor;
  • about the absence of claims against the borrower (a note is made on the back of the mortgage document);
  • about the date of the last payment.

The mortgage note is certified by the signature of an authorized bank employee.

  1. Contact the local branch of Rosreestr or MFC. All apartment owners must contact the authority, having previously collected a package of necessary papers.

To contact the registration authority, apartment owners must collect the following documents:

  • mortgage (original) – issued in one copy to all owners;
  • written confirmation of the closure of the mortgage - the document is drawn up on the letterhead of the banking organization with details, seals and signature of authorized employees;
  • personal documents (passports) of all owners (for minors under 14 years of age - birth certificates);
  • power of attorney (if he is not present) from the bank employee who executed the mortgage document;
  • agreement on the acquisition (purchase and sale) of an apartment;
  • requirement to remove the encumbrance;
  • loan agreement – ​​there is no need for a document if a bank employee accompanies clients during the procedure;
  • check for payment of the duty - the duty is 200 rubles (paid when ordering a new extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, in which there are no records of the burden).

The registration service will remove the restriction from the apartment within 3-5 days. All data on a specific loan case can be found on the Rosreestr website.

If, when issuing a loan, the bank refused to draw up a mortgage, then when contacting Rosreestr to remove the encumbrance, the owners and the bank provide a joint application. The presence of a representative of the creditor is mandatory.

To avoid getting into a difficult situation, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances regarding the closure of a mortgage agreement:

  1. It is imperative to make the final payment after finding out the exact amount of the debt, from the bank’s point of view. Otherwise, a penny debt may result in a large fine.
  2. Close the current account to which monthly contributions were transferred so as not to pay for its maintenance.
  3. If the client does not agree with the statement of the amount of debt, it is better to pay it. And only then figure it out and, in case of overpayment, write an application for the return of the overpayment.
  4. It is necessary to go through the procedure for removing the encumbrance. Otherwise, when the need arises to carry out some actions with real estate, it will be impossible to do so.
  5. In case of loss of the mortgage note, the mortgagee shall draw up a duplicate of it in full compliance with the original. And if, after repayment of the debt, a lost one is found, it will not have legal force.
  6. If the loan was repaid ahead of schedule, you can demand the return of part of the insurance.

In order to legally confirm the right of the new owner to the purchased property, you should contact the state registration authorities. In the Russian Federation, a special state body, Rosreestr, is responsible for entering data on changes in the owner of residential real estate.

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The procedure for this legislative act is strictly regulated and divided into the following stages:

  • Submission of a package of documentation by the new owner to the state registrar;
  • Checking the availability of all necessary copies of documents by the employee;
  • Conducting a legal examination of the transaction and all other circumstances provided;
  • Indication of identified deficiencies (if any);
  • Making a decision to satisfy the requested action;
  • Entering relevant information into the Electronic Register of Real Estate Owners;
  • Drawing up an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which is the title document of the new owner of the square meters.

Each legislative procedure involves the formation of a specific package of documentation. This need is due to compliance with all letters of the Law, in accordance with a specific procedure. Registration of ownership of an apartment is no exception and requires the submission of certain documents.

Each individual case has its own list, but the main ones do not change:

  • Documents identifying the identity of each participant in the transaction;
  • Application for state registration of changes in Rosreestr;
  • Payment order from a banking institution regarding payment of fees for registration activities;
  • contract of sale;
  • Certificate of title of the previous owner;
  • A mortgage agreement and a mortgage note, which stipulates the conditions for the return of funds and the conditions for the borrower to take full ownership of the property;
  • Technical passport for the apartment;
  • Certificate from their Housing Office about registered persons in the apartment;
  • Documentary confirmation of the absence of debts on utility bills;
  • If the apartment is jointly owned, then notarized consent of the other half or shared owners;
  • Special guardianship permission in cases where there is a minor child among the sellers.

When purchasing an apartment with a mortgage on the secondary housing market, it is important to clarify all the important points in the documents before conducting a transaction to re-register property rights. The main points that are important for the buyer are the absence of debt on utility bills, legal redevelopment, if any, and the availability of all supporting documents.

An apartment purchased with a mortgage is registered with Rosreesr using a standard package of documents. After checking the provided documents and making the necessary entries in the main register, the official is obliged to provide the new owner of the apartment with an extract from the Unified State Register on the specified date. The date of issue of documents is indicated in the receipt for receipt of the documentation package.

Registration of ownership of an apartment purchased in a new building is more difficult than on the secondary housing market. The transfer of full ownership in this option will occur only after completion of construction work and commissioning of the residential building.

Before going to court you need to obtain a mortgage from the bank. It is provided only after the apartment has been assessed for a mortgage and a corresponding report has been prepared for the bank. The basis for completing the assessment will be the availability of a cadastral and technical passport for the apartment, which in turn are issued only after the developer has delivered the house.

Early payment

Most mortgage lending programs provide for early repayment of the loan. As a rule, a minimum period is established during which the entire amount cannot be repaid - 6 or 12 months. After this period, the borrower has the right to begin paying off the mortgage early - in small monthly payments or a lump sum payment. In the first case, changes made to the repayment schedule can be of two types:

  1. With a change in the monthly payment amount.
  2. With a reduction in the loan term.

To reduce your mortgage overpayment, you should choose the second option. However, it is safer to make an early payment with a change in the amount, while maintaining the same payment amount. Thus, the overpayment will still be reduced, but in the event of an unforeseen situation, the required amount will be much less.

Before starting early repayment, you should also make sure that the agreement does not provide for fines and penalties for depositing funds outside of the schedule.

Use of maternity capital and allocation of shares to children

Maternity capital can be used to pay off the mortgage. Banks allow the use of these funds without imposing penalties or additional conditions.

First, the owner of the certificate must contact the Pension Fund and write a statement about where he wants to send the funds. To agree on a deal with the lender, you need to notify the bank of your intention to repay the mortgage. Some organizations may do this without prior notice. To pay the debt, you need to provide a certificate, a certificate from the Pension Fund about the amount of funds in the account. After this, the bank will issue a statement showing the balance of the mortgage.

Then you can begin the actual repayment. To do this, you need to collect the documents necessary to use maternity capital, write an application and send the entire package for consideration. After a positive decision and confirmation from the bank, the money will be transferred to the debt account.

The whole procedure takes quite a long time. An application for the use of maternal capital is considered within 30 days, and is transferred after another 10 days. This must be taken into account when preparing documents. The situation is made easier by the fact that some services can be received electronically. To do this, you need to have a confirmed entry in State Services.

Procedure for issuing a mortgage

The pledge for the purchased object is formalized in the form of a mortgage - a valuable registered paper that regulates the relationship between the banker and the client on the issues of pledge and liquidation of debt. The document specifies the most important terms of the contract. If disagreements are identified between the mortgage agreement and the mortgage note, then the latter has priority rights - be careful when drafting it.

A mortgage can be obtained without a mortgage. The bank needs it to sell the collateral in case the borrower violates its obligations. The new owner of the mortgage does not have the right to change the terms of the mortgage agreement.

The main purpose of such documents is to attract finance in the mortgage market. If necessary, the financial institution sells its reserve of mortgages and frees up working capital.

If the registration of a mortgage was accompanied by the drawing up of a mortgage note, after the final repayment of the debt, the lender is obliged to give this document to the borrower (after drawing up an act of transfer of the mortgage). The original copy must contain a note stating that all obligations have been fulfilled and there are no claims against the borrower.

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Next, enter the date and amount of the last payment. The next step will be to lift restrictions on housing from the relevant authorities. They issue a mortgage within two weeks if there is a bank representative in the city. If the document is stored in the central office, which is located in another city, the procedure may take a month.

Possible problems

When paying off a debt, it is important to carefully study the contract. Sometimes borrowers face the following problems:

  • Failure to cancel the registration entry in the Unified State Register. The apartment can remain pledged to the bank indefinitely. Restrictions will remain in place, that is, the owner will not be able to sell or donate it.
  • Early repayment without prior notice to the bank. In some cases, this may result in additional fines and penalties.

Paying off a mortgage is an important step, so you should carefully study the issue from all sides and play it safe by clarifying unclear questions with bank employees.

A mortgage is the most time-consuming option for buying an apartment, as it requires many tasks to be completed. Many people don't know what to do after paying off their mortgage. Debt repayment is carried out according to a certain procedure, including obtaining a certificate from the bank, writing an application and repaying the registration record. However, the hassle is worth it: the result is your own apartment without encumbrances.

New certificate of ownership or extract from the Unified State Register?

When signing a contract for the purchase and sale of mortgaged real estate, a note is made in the certificate of ownership that the property is under an encumbrance. After all restrictions are lifted, the document was subject to replacement until 2020.

Since July 15, 2016, when registering ownership of real estate, instead of a certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register is issued. The document contains all relevant information about the property at the time the certificate was issued: its characteristics, owner details, registered ownership, encumbrance (if any). The extract can be obtained free of charge only once.

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Repeated certificates of ownership are also not being issued now. If a previously issued certificate is lost, the characteristics of the object, the owner's name are changed, or an encumbrance (mortgage, arrest) is removed, the copyright holder can receive an extract for a fee.

Before visiting the registration chamber, you must pay a state fee (200 rubles) - otherwise the application will not be accepted. It takes up to two weeks to issue the document. The list of paid services of the bank may also include the preparation of documents for the removal of encumbrances. In such cases, bank employees will settle all formalities themselves.

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