Mortgage secured by existing real estate in Sberbank - conditions and calculator of a non-targeted loan secured by an apartment

All Sberbank mortgage programs with real estate collateral: conditions

Today Sberbank has more than 10 mortgage programs. Some of the most popular are:

  1. Mortgage for new buildings.
  2. Secondary housing.
  3. With a pledge of land.

Under these programs, a person can apply for a mortgage with a reduced set of documents - only a passport and one other document. Then the interest rate will be increased by at least 0.3% per annum or more, depending on the program. A down payment must be made in the amount of at least 50% of the cost of the housing being pledged. The program is discussed in detail in the corresponding section of the article, and then in detail about the conditions of the programs.

Mortgage for secondary housing

Mortgage lending conditions for the purchase of housing on the secondary market with real estate as collateral:

  • loan amount from 0.3 million rubles;
  • currency - rubles;
  • issue no more than 85% of the value of the collateral;
  • mortgage repayment from one to thirty years;
  • no fees for processing the application and issuing funds.

The minimum down payment depends on the category of the client. Participants in the salary project can contribute from 10% of the cost of housing. For other clients - at least 15%.

If a person purchases a house with a mortgage that is located on a plot of land, it is required to register a mortgage for the adjacent territory. But the land does not need to be insured.

Mortgage loan for a new building

Offer from Sberbank for the primary market:

  1. Currency is only rubles.
  2. Loan amount from 0.3 million rubles.
  3. The loan is no more than 85% of the cost of the home.
  4. Up to 30 years maximum repayment period.
  5. No commissions.

The borrower has the right to take out housing as collateral on a market under construction or in a newly built house from a developer. It is cheaper to take real estate from partner companies. Sberbank gives a discount on interest rates. Funds can be received in parts.

On a note! The developer subsidizes the preferential mortgage rate only up to 12 years.

The rate for this program varies depending on the loan term. If the client takes out a mortgage from 85 months to 144 months, the rate is 7.2%. If under 30 years old, then the rate is 7.7%. The base mortgage rate is 8.7%.

As part of the program, the client has the right to take not only an apartment, but also apartments. The duration of the promotion at a low interest rate from the developer does not depend on construction. That is, the house can still be built, the promotion has ended, but it will apply to the agreement concluded by the person earlier.

Secured by land

Basic conditions when applying for a mortgage on country real estate:

  • registration in rubles;
  • the loan amount should not exceed 75% of the cost of the plot or house;
  • repayment up to 360 months;
  • no fees for issuing funds;
  • The security can be not only a pledge of the plot, but also a surety.

If a person takes out a loan in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles, then he can attract a solvent guarantor to the transaction. He must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, with official income. For an amount over 1.5 million rubles. the land plot and the object located on it are registered under an encumbrance.

Comparative table of mortgage programs with collateral in Sberbank

Secondary marketFrom 6.5%Up to 30 years oldFrom 0.3 million rub.
Primary marketFrom 8.5%Up to 30 years oldFrom 0.3 million rub.
Secured by landFrom 9.2%Up to 30 years oldFrom 0.3 million rub.
Mortgage refinancingFrom 9%Up to 30 years oldFrom 0.3 million rub.
For individual construction of a residential buildingFrom 9.7%Up to 30 years oldFrom 0.3 million rub.
Secured by your own real estateFrom 11.3%Up to 20 yearsUp to 10 million rubles.

Banks providing mortgages

There are quite a few financial institutions that are willing to issue housing loans. But the terms and conditions may vary significantly.

When choosing a program, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • interest rate;
  • mandatory advance payment;
  • loan terms;
  • the presence of additional commissions and the amount of penalties;
  • the procedure for early repayment and the presence of restrictions on this operation;
  • insurance requirements.

All of these indicators affect the cost of the loan, so none of them should be overlooked.

So, if you have made your final decision and are ready to take out a mortgage, we advise you to contact financial institutions that offer the best lending conditions.

Their list is shown in the following table:

Bank name/programInterest rate, % per annumAmount of creditMandatory advance payment,%Loan term, years
VTB 24 , “New building”12,6 — 13,6Maximum not set15,030
Absolut Bank , "Standard"12,5 — 13,515 million15,025
Raiffeisenbank , “Apartment in a new building”11,0 — 12,526 million15,025
Promsvyazbank , "Secondary market"12,5 — 13,030 million20,025
Gazprombank , “Apartment on the secondary market”12,5 — 13,04515,030
Rosselkhozbank , "Mortgage housing lending"12,9 — 13,920,0015,030
Sberbank of Russia “Purchase of housing under construction”13,0 — 15,0Maximum not set20,030

The programs indicated in the table are the most profitable on the market. Large banks value their reputation, which is why they offer transparent lending conditions and only play fair with their clients.

Mortgage from Sberbank of Russia

This financial institution has been the undisputed leader in issuing mortgage loans over recent years. More than half of the country's housing loans are issued by Sberbank. How can one explain such popularity of his products?

  1. First of all, it's big system bank, department

    which exists in every locality.

  2. Secondly, Sberbank provides housing loans on preferential terms for certain categories of borrowers (young families, military personnel).
  3. Thirdly, the bank has set an acceptable interest rate for its programs and does not charge additional fees.

So, let's take a closer look at the conditions for issuing a mortgage for the purchase of finished housing.

  • The loan is issued only in rubles for 360 months. The maximum limit is 80% of the appraised value of the property. Accordingly, the client must pay 20% from his savings. Maternity capital can be used as an advance payment, but provided that three years have already passed since the birth of the second child.
  • The interest rate on the loan depends on the following criteria: the amount of the advance payment and the repayment term. It is within the range of 13 - 14% per annum. If the client is not ready to pay for a personal insurance policy, then the rate increases by 1% . For salary card holders, the rate is reduced by 0.5% .
  • For borrowers who are ready to make an advance payment of more than 50% , a simplified mortgage issuance scheme applies. They do not have to document their income. It is enough to provide only a passport and a certificate of health insurance. Under this program, the maximum loan amount is 15 million rubles, and the interest rate is 13.5 - 14.0% per annum.

Only customers who meet the following requirements can take advantage of this offer:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age range 21 - 75 years ;
  • total experience of 12 months, and at the last place of work - from six months;
  • having a stable source of income;
  • no negative credit history.

If at least one of the criteria is not met, the loan will be denied.

So, cooperation with Sberbank has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Low interest rates and no fees for issuing a loan;
  2. It is possible to obtain a mortgage without proof of employment;
  3. Preferential lending conditions for salary card holders and young families;
  4. Individual approach to consideration of applications;
  5. Possibility of paying the down payment using maternity capital funds;
  6. To agree on the maximum loan amount, the income of three co-borrowers may be taken into account.

If you want to purchase housing in a new building, then first of all contact Sberbank. It finances the construction of many different residential complexes, so it provides loans for the purchase of apartments on preferential terms.

VTB 24 offer

VTB 24 is in second place in terms of the number of housing loans issued .

A mortgage for finished housing can be obtained in an amount from 1.5 to 90 million rubles. Mandatory advance payment – ​​15% . The contract is concluded for a period of up to 30 years . Interest rate – 13.1% per annum . But in the absence of an insurance contract, it increases by 1%.

If the proposed conditions suit you, then you can leave a request on the website. After its approval, proceed to choosing real estate. You have four months to do this. It is during this period that the bank’s positive response is valid.

So, the mortgage program from VTB 24 is an excellent choice . If you are planning to purchase housing on the secondary market, be sure to contact this institution.

Conditions for granting a mortgage secured by real estate

You can take out a loan secured by existing real estate from almost every bank. Let's compare the conditions for its issuance with the tariffs for a target mortgage.

So, at Sberbank a non-targeted loan secured by real estate can be obtained for 20 years , that is, the loan term has been reduced by 10 years .

The maximum loan amount has also been significantly reduced - up to 10 million rubles, but not more than 60% of the estimated value of the collateral.

The bank considers as collateral:

  • living space;
  • land plot;
  • garage.

The interest rate is in the range of 16.5 - 17.25% per annum . Let us remind you that for a target mortgage it does not exceed 14% per annum .

If we compare these two programs, the conditions for issuing a mortgage are much more favorable. But it is better to take out a loan secured by real estate than a consumer loan. The overpayment for it will be several times higher.

, you can get up to 15 million rubles using real estate as collateral Loan term – 20 months . The maximum credit limit is 50% of the appraised value of the property. The interest rate is fixed for the entire payment period - 15.1% per annum . If you refuse personal insurance, it increases by 1%.

The bank is ready to consider only an apartment that belongs to the borrower as collateral.

So, a non-target mortgage should be taken out only if you need to get a loan for a large amount. Only then will the costs associated with its registration be repaid.

Requirements for an existing apartment or other real estate

What the bank will require from the property:

  1. It must not have wooden floors.
  2. Not to be a barracks.
  3. It should not be designated by the administration for the eviction of residents, for major repairs, reconstruction, or restoration.
  4. Must not be damaged or have more than 65% wear.
  5. The presence of a separate bathroom, entrance to the apartment and kitchen is mandatory.
  6. The presence of all communications is required: water, heating, sewerage, electricity.

Sberbank does not accept rooms and apartments in communal apartments as collateral. There are also requirements for the plot of land that the borrower intends to register as collateral. It must be liquid, that is, be in demand on the market, have access roads. It is not located in areas protected by the state, protected lands or urban lands intended for the use of citizens (squares, parks, alleys, squares).

Documents for making a transaction

The mortgage is issued in several stages. First you need to submit documents for consideration of the application. The kit includes:

  • questionnaire;
  • passport;
  • income documents;
  • employment documents.

The passport must have a registration stamp. If it is not there, then an additional document confirming registration is provided.

The bank accepts various forms as documents on earnings - certificates from work, certificates in the bank form, 2-NDFL, declarations.

For employment documents, contracts with the employer, copies from the work book, an extract from the work record or patents are suitable.

After reviewing the documents, the bank will make an initial decision on the loan. If the answer is positive, the client will be able to begin collecting the second set of documents. These are papers for real estate, issued as collateral.

It is necessary to carry out an assessment of the value of the objects, transfer the acts to the bank along with a technical passport, an extract from the BTI, a purchase and sale agreement or other documents confirming ownership rights, for example, an equity participation agreement.

After the bank agrees to issue a loan, you need to insure the property, as well as, if desired, life and health. An agreement is concluded with the insurance company. The transaction on the transfer of real estate as collateral is registered in Rosreestr.

Required documents

The list of documents for obtaining a non-targeted loan secured by real estate is no different from the package required for other mortgage lending programs. During the registration process, you will need to provide documents for the borrower, co-borrowers (if any) and for the collateral property.

The standard list includes the following list of documents:

  1. Application with personal data. The form can be downloaded on the Internet or taken from the bank manager at any branch.
  2. Passport with registration.
  3. Confirmation of employment on a permanent basis (this can be a copy of the work book, an extract from it, or a certificate filled out by the employer in the prescribed form).
  4. Confirmation of the client’s financial condition: 2-NDFL certificate indicating income for the last 6 months or a properly executed certificate of income from the employer.
  5. Papers regarding the real estate that is provided as collateral (certificate of ownership, extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, final assessment of value, marriage certificate or marriage contract, permission from guardians if one of the owners of the apartment is a minor, certificates from housing and communal services about registered persons and the absence of debts for utilities, etc.).

Important! Documents for collateral can be submitted within 90 days (3 months) from the date of approval of the application.

Before starting to collect papers, it would be advisable to consult with a Sberbank credit manager and receive a complete list of necessary documents specifically for your case, as well as an explanation of which photocopies of which pages to bring and what information should be contained in a particular certificate issued by the employer.

Interest rates: comparison, what they depend on

The comparative table shows the minimum interest rates that a borrower can receive under the programs. But the final mortgage interest rate will depend on many factors:

  • if the down payment on a mortgage is up to 19% inclusive, then a 0.4% surcharge applies to the rate;
  • refusal of life and health insurance entails a rate increase of 1%;
  • if the client does not receive a salary on a Sberbank card, the rate increases by 0.5%.

Separate preferential rates are offered to participants of federal or regional cooperation programs between Sberbank and municipalities. The programs are aimed at developing the housing sector. The rate for the purchase of secondary properties is 8.7%, for new buildings - 9%. When purchasing a country house under a preferential program with collateral, the rate is 8.7% per annum.

In addition to surcharges, the rate is influenced by:

  1. Client's solvency
  2. Credit load.
  3. Credit history.
  4. Loan term, amount.

The program for registering a land plot as collateral also provides for an increase in the rate. Before registering a mortgage, the borrower is added to the rate of 1%.

Requirements for housing and borrower, documents

A city apartment in a multi-storey building, which is located in the same locality as the branch of the bank issuing the mortgage, is accepted as collateral. If the housing belongs to a relative (the borrower’s spouse), then a guarantee agreement is concluded with him.

Documents for collateral

Collateral property is considered by the bank upon provision of the following documents:

  • state certificate confirming registration of ownership;
  • agreement on the purchase of housing, on participation in its construction;
  • extracts from the register of real estate rights (USRN) and other documents listed in the certificate confirming the registration of property rights;
  • a single housing document or an extract from the house register;
  • report on the cost of mortgaged housing.

The preparation of a real estate value report must comply with Federal standards. Along with it, copies of documents characterizing the object quantitatively, qualitatively and technically are attached.

Documents provided by the client and guarantor

The package of documents for them is the same and includes:

  • questionnaire;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • certificate of pension insurance or individual tax payer number (TIN) for categories that do not have SNILS;
  • declaration of income for the last year (2-NDFL or in the form proposed by the bank);
  • a certified copy of the employment record or an extract from it for persons working in organizations with legal status and the number of employees of at least a thousand;
  • military ID (for men of military age).

If the guarantor for the mortgage is the borrower’s spouse, then a passport and SNILS are enough for him (her) to formalize the agreement. The guarantor's responsibilities include repaying the debt if the client does not fulfill his obligations to the bank.

The requirements for a potential client are standard: citizenship, registration and permanent place of work in Russia. The list of documents is not final - the bank has the right to request additional information.

How to get a mortgage loan with collateral more profitable than from Sberbank offers borrowers more flexible and favorable conditions. The company issues more approvals for applications than Sberbank, is more loyal to borrowers, and offers a lower rate.

What is included in the House-will offer:

  • interest rate on shares from 7.5% per year;
  • base rate from 8.7% per year;
  • minimum loan size 0.5 million rubles;
  • maximum loan size 120 million rubles;
  • repayment 1-30 years;
  • can be issued without a down payment.

Maternity capital can be provided as an initial payment. The borrower can provide sources of additional income or attract co-borrowers of up to three people, including family members.

When applying for a loan from Sberbank, you will need at least 3 months of work experience at your last enterprise and at least a year of total work experience. Clients with work experience of at least one month can apply here. But unofficially employed citizens can also apply.

To submit an application to Sberbank, you need to have a good credit history, otherwise the bank will refuse the transaction. also considers candidates with a damaged CI. This is not a key factor in the decision. The main thing is the stability of income and the liquidity of real estate registered as collateral.

Important! Real estate must be located in Moscow, Moscow region, Leningrad region or St. Petersburg.

The company is considering various types of real estate. You can mortgage commercial properties, a plot of land, an apartment, an apartment in a townhouse, or a house.

Types of collateral for obtaining a mortgage

Securing a mortgage is the main condition for obtaining it. In view of the obligation, existing or purchased housing acts. Thus, Sberbank significantly reduces the risk of payer dishonesty.

For security, you can use almost all types of available real estate: land, shared ownership, country house, apartment, etc. Also, two types of objects are often used for security, for example, a house and a plot of land. The main thing for Sberbank is to provide an alternative and proof of your financial well-being.

For proof, the bank will require not only a certificate of income, but also a down payment. This shows Sberbank that the borrower knows how to plan their expenses.

Collateral object – purchased housing

This is a classic and common way to obtain a mortgage. The collateral is the purchased property, but a mortgage secured by real estate in Sberbank has its advantages and disadvantages. The borrower will have to insure not only the property, but also his life, which means expenses.

It is worth noting that insurance for men when applying for a mortgage will cost more. Girls and women under 35 years of age are assessed by Sberbank as reliable and responsible borrowers, and therefore the insurance premium is significantly lower.

Sberbank also imposes strict requirements on the collateral object; if you choose a new building, then the choice will be limited only to partner developers, but if you purchase secondary housing, the bank will only accept economically profitable property, in view of solving problems with repaying the principal debt.

Pledge of existing real estate

As collateral, you can provide the bank with another object, either personally owned or owned by other owners. The collateral can be:

  • a private house;
  • apartment;
  • cottage;
  • garage;
  • land allotment.

This is important to know: Military mortgage for the seller of an apartment

Not all objects can be offered to Sberbank as collateral. Let's take a closer look at what real estate the bank considers illiquid:

  • the year the house was built must not be older than 1970;
  • if the apartment was sold more than 5 times, the lender will have concerns from a legal point of view;
  • wooden buildings are not suitable for collateral;
  • Sberbank does not consider “dilapidated” housing;
  • if housing cannot be privatized;
  • shared ownership is considered only in certain cases;
  • the following are registered at the facility: disabled people, minors, military personnel and incapacitated persons.

Shared housing is considered by Sberbank individually; usually, either re-registration or a statement from the participant in the common shared property is required that his share will also be pledged to the bank. Of course, no owner will give up his share as collateral for no reason, but this does not mean that the bank’s lawyers will refuse the deal.

As such, Sberbank does not issue a mortgage secured by existing property; Sberbank issues a non-targeted loan secured by existing real estate. That is, the borrower will be able to use the money at his own discretion. The advantage of such a loan is the low interest rate. And the bank is more willing to issue a mortgage if the collateral is recognized as more than liquid.

Collateral – land plot

Due to the collateral, a land plot is not always readily considered by the bank. Selling a land plot is very problematic, so Sberbank carefully checks the documents and geography of the property. When the bank approves the proposed collateral, the following factors play a role:

  • land quality;
  • distance from infrastructure;
  • communications;
  • purpose of land.

Loan amount secured by property - how to calculate using a calculator

The Sberbank website has a mortgage calculator that can be used to calculate loan terms. To calculate, you need to set the terms of the loan:

  • type of property;
  • city ​​of acquisition;
  • the cost of housing or land;
  • maturity;
  • how much money is provided for the advance?

Check the box when participating in a salary project or applying for an insurance policy. If this is a program for purchasing housing in a new building, and the borrower buys an apartment from a developer, then you also need to check the box. The calculator will take into account the interest rate discount.

On a note! The calculation on the mortgage calculator is preliminary. The borrower will receive the final results after reviewing the real estate documents.

The calculation results will appear on the right: the amount of the monthly payment, the amount to be approved, the interest rate, and the client’s required income for approval. The income must be net, taking into account the deduction of expenses for servicing other loans, maintaining dependents, etc.

How to take out a mortgage using your existing home as collateral

To obtain a mortgage without a down payment, you must provide the bank with collateral. If you have such an opportunity, the registration procedure will be simple:

  1. You must go to the bank branch at your place of residence or registration.
  2. Submit an application by filling out the form and providing the required package of documents.
  3. Get your application approved.
  4. Sign a loan agreement.
  5. Register a mortgage.
  6. Receive funds into your account.
  7. Make a deal with the seller.

The presence of the fifth point suggests that a non-targeted loan can only be obtained for the purchase of finished housing or an apartment under construction in an apartment building, because before transferring money to the borrower’s account, the bank will require the registration of a mortgage agreement. This means that you take out a mortgage and then use the funds you receive to pay it off.

You should not count on receiving a loan under this program for building a house or for any other purposes. If you want to build a house or other residential premises on credit, Sberbank managers will offer you other programs specifically designed for these purposes.

Thus, the absence of the need to confirm the purpose for which the loan is issued means that you can purchase any real estate anywhere and the bank’s assessment or its consent will not be required. In other cases, in order to buy a home with a mortgage, you would need Sberbank’s approval of the chosen option.

How does one receive money at Sberbank?

The bank provides funds to borrowers in three ways:

  1. At the place of permanent residence of the title borrower or one of the co-borrowers.
  2. In the city where the object of encumbrance is located.
  3. In one of the offices in the region where the employer of the borrower or one of the co-borrowers is registered.

Money can be issued in a lump sum or in installments. Funds are issued only after registering the mortgage with Rosreestr. The borrower is given up to 90 calendar days to collect real estate documents.

Life and property insurance

By law, it is possible to refuse life and health insurance. But the borrower will receive an increase in interest rate. It is better to make a decision on insurance based on your own opinion, since often insurance does not make sense and will not cover various situations in the life of the borrower.

Another question that interests many borrowers is whether it is worth taking out insurance from a company that is a partner of the lender, or is it better to find a third-party company. If the borrower doubts that the bank company will evaluate the property adequately, at the real market value, then it is better to contact an independent company.

The client has the right to independently choose an insurance company for cooperation. But then the company must provide certificates of value that fully comply with the requirements of Sberbank.

Mortgage holidays in Sberbank

The lender has the opportunity to issue a mortgage holiday. This is a grace period for the borrower during which he does not pay the mortgage or pays a lower monthly payment. The maximum vacation period is six months.

Vacations can be used in case of financial and other difficulties encountered in the life of the borrower. There are several conditions for applying for benefits:

  • the balance payable to the bank is no more than 15 million rubles;
  • the borrower has not yet used this benefit;
  • A mortgage issued in Sberbank is the only loan.

The client can decide for himself how many months he will not make payments - 3 or 5.6.

Important! Unpaid mortgage funds must be repaid at the end of the loan.

There must be a good reason for going on vacation; desire alone is not enough. Here is a list of situations when a borrower will be approved for temporary relief:

  1. Salary reduction.
  2. Mortgage payments take up 50% of income.
  3. New additions to the family against the backdrop of declining income, with the mortgage taking up the lion's share of payments from the family budget.
  4. Loss of work, disability.
  5. Obtaining disability status.

This list is simplified; it has many nuances and clarifications. If among the listed situations the one that happened to the borrower is not indicated, then he can take advantage of loan restructuring. It allows you to reduce the monthly payment or increase the loan term.

Is it possible to get a loan secured by real estate without proof of income from Sberbank?

Many unofficially employed citizens are interested in whether it is possible to take out a mortgage secured by existing housing from Sberbank without proof of income? This possibility is provided by the bank.

For documents, the borrower submits a passport and a second identification document. The following are considered as such:

  • license to own a car or drive other vehicles;
  • military man;
  • international passport;
  • ILS insurance number;
  • certificate of a federal government employee;
  • military ID.

The passport must have a registration stamp. If it is not available, you need to provide another document with confirmation.

Documents for a loan secured by a mortgaged apartment

Primarily for obtaining a loan secured by mortgage real estate

, identification documents are required, namely a passport and identification code. In addition to this, you also need to prepare:

  • Certificate of property registration;
  • Documents of ownership of real estate;
  • Mortgage loan agreement.

It is worth noting that the last point is not always mandatory and some organizations may not require this document. In some cases, documenting your mortgage payment history may also be helpful.

Nuances to think about in advance

Some have not fully understood what a loan secured by a mortgaged apartment

, they run to the first bank they come across for money, which is not entirely correct. You should think about some nuances that may differ depending on the choice of credit institution.

This is important to know: Is it possible to sell a share in a mortgaged apartment?

First of all, this is the interest rate. It is worth choosing the most profitable interest rate per annum for yourself, which will not be burdensome for you. It is also necessary to choose a convenient payment schedule; as a rule, professional lenders select this condition individually for each client. It is worth considering the possibility of making payments in annuity payments, which will allow you to repay the loan secured by the apartment


Pros and cons of a mortgage with your property as collateral

When mortgaging his home, the borrower risks losing it if he does not pay off the mortgage. A long repayment period entails large overpayments in interest accrued to the bank.

Nuance! The optimal period for pledging real estate is 10-15 years.

One of the advantages is the opportunity to take out a large loan for various client purposes, even without filing reports. Thanks to a mortgage, you can immediately become the owner of real estate and start living in a new home. But there is a drawback - restrictions on real estate transactions.

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