How to get a mortgage for an apartment as a student?

A mortgage for students is a convenient way for students to get the opportunity to purchase an apartment or house. Many banks are skeptical about issuing loans to students, including mortgages, due to their young age, possible lack of responsibility for the decision made, short work experience and amount of official income.

Taken together, these are major risk factors for banks. But there are ways to get a mortgage for students. We will further tell you which banks issue mortgages to university students, under which programs, as well as what are the features of a loan for this category of citizens and what requirements are imposed on students.

Features of a student mortgage

University applicants, especially those studying in another city, are in dire need of living space. Not everyone is given a room in a dormitory, and the allocated living space often does not meet all the student’s requirements. The option of taking out a loan and buying an apartment or house is a good alternative to renting a living space; in addition, the amount of monthly rent payments can be equal to mortgage payments.

There are no special mortgage programs for students. The exception is a few regional programs. These programs are carried out in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region. Today, students there can receive preferential loans or reduce the unit cost of one square meter of housing, receive an installment plan, book a specific apartment, and receive a reduced interest rate.

Attention! The remaining constituent entities of the Russian Federation offer mortgages for young people aged 18-21 on standard terms.

Student mortgages have their own characteristics and pitfalls. So, to take out a loan, a young person must be 18-21 years old. In addition, he needs to attract a co-borrower with a guarantor (the bank minimizes as much as possible its risks from non-repayment or failure to make payments under the mortgage agreement). The student must also confirm his income, stable employment, bring a 2-NDFL certificate and a tax return required by the bank, and pay a deposit. The housing purchased on credit serves as collateral.

Important! Despite the fact that you can take out a mortgage from the age of 18, many banks that provide student loans have one prerequisite for concluding a mortgage agreement - at least one year of work experience. This is almost impossible for a young man. The exception is Rosevrobank. He does not set such conditions. There are also good options: Deltacredit and Uralsib. In recent credit institutions, the length of service requirement is at least 6 months.

Which banks provide student loans?

The student mortgage programs listed above in the south of Russia are implemented with the help of Kuban Credit. You can get a mortgage from this institution at 8.8% per annum for 30 years with a zero down payment. The maximum loan amount is up to 7 million rubles. You can take out a loan for any accredited project from construction companies.

The specific interest rate, loan amount and repayment period are determined individually after the lender reviews all documents. The bank is considered loyal to potential borrowers, especially in social programs.

In addition to Kuban Credit, mortgages are provided to students by Sberbank, Bank Vozrozhdenie, Bank St. Petersburg, Ak Bars, Bank Center-Invest, FC Otkritie, Globex Bank, Moscow Credit Bank. At the same time, in the listed banking institutions the requirements for work experience are acceptable - from 6 months. The interest rate varies from 9.1 to 12.75%.

Interestingly, all banks give a discount on the interest rate of 0.5% for salary earners. Since the age of 21, such large banks as Gazprombank, Absalut, SMP Bank, VTB-24, Rosselkhozbank, Raiffeisenbank and others have been issuing loans. Rosselkhozbank actively engages students with families and gives discounts.

Government programs

Each student can significantly expand their mortgage lending opportunities by taking part in one of the government programs for an apartment. To do this, you need to become either a researcher or start a young family.

Mortgages for young professionals

Under this state program, borrowers must be university researchers, starting with a position such as a department assistant. In order to become a young specialist, a student must already have a diploma and be studying in graduate school. However, this can be done in the early stages of studying at a university, demonstrating to the management great scientific potential and hard work. Mortgage benefits are as follows:

Interest rate0.114
Down payment amount20% of the cost of the apartment
State subsidy0.4

You will have to wait quite a long time for benefits from the state. Funds are allocated from the budget on a first-come, first-served basis.

Young family

Students who have officially registered their marriage and created a new social unit can also apply for state assistance. Today in Russia there is a program that supports the institution of family and marriage. According to it, the terms of the mortgage are as follows:

Interest rateFrom 12.5%
Down payment amountFrom 15%
State subsidy35% of the market value of the apartment, if the family has children - 40%.

When participating in the Young Family program, cash is not issued. Citizens receive a special document that can be used for 9 months.

Mortgage terms

BankInterest rateAn initial feeWork experience (months)Age, years
VTB 24 and Bank of Moscow9,1%15%321-65
Absolut Bank11%15%321-65
Bank "Revival11,75%15%618-65
Bank "Saint-Petersburg12,25%15%418-70
Russian capital11,75%15%321-65
AK Bars12,3%10%318-70
Bank Center-Invest10%10%618-65
FC Otkritie10%15%318-65
Credit Bank of Moscow13,4%15%618-65
Globex Bank12%20%418-65
Bank Zenit13,75%15%421-65
SMP Bank11,9%15%621-65
Eurasian Bank11,75%15%121-65
UniCredit Bank12,15%20%621-65
Alfa Bank11,75%15%620-64

Requirements for students

The banks considered have requirements for students that are standard for all clients. So a potential borrower must have:

  • Russian passport and citizenship;
  • Age from 18 years;
  • The total work experience in an official position is at least 6 months;
  • Sufficient solvency (upon request with the approval of the bank, when calculating the loan and issuing it, the income of the parents can be taken into account to become co-borrowers);
  • Good credit history, if available (no late payments with serious violations of contracts);
  • A sufficient amount to pay the down payment on an apartment or house;
  • Registration in a place close to the region where the bank is located.

In addition, guarantors may be required in some cases. For example, if there is no high income and places of work often change. Co-borrowers and guarantors must also meet the above requirements, including having a permanent place of employment. They are required for the student to obtain a mortgage.


Students, like other potential borrowers, have a standard package of documents. They must have:

  • General passport of the Russian Federation with a registration mark close to the location of the bank;
  • Documents that directly confirm a person’s work and stable income (the lender may require a copy of the work record book, an agreement with the employer, a certificate of income, an account statement, etc.);
  • Completed application form to obtain a mortgage;
  • Student card for lending at Kuban Credit;
  • Documents for collateral;
  • SNILS.

The above is a list that can be supplemented by the lender on an individual basis. The co-borrower and the guarantor bring exactly the same documentary kit.

VTB Bank requirements for borrowers

Not every student will be able to get a mortgage from VTB 24. The financial institution puts forward serious requirements for its clients:

  • the student must confirm the presence of a source of stable income, confirm a high level of income
  • the borrower must have a guarantor, who must also have a stable and good source of income;
  • VTB Bank must be provided with a complete package of documents from the borrower and the guarantor;
  • the client must have reached the age of majority;
  • The borrower must have a positive credit history and no debts to VTB and other financial organizations.

If these requirements are not met, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a mortgage from VTB. The bank will not approve mortgages to dubious clients whose income does not meet the desired level, so as not to expose itself to financial risks. VTB may also refuse if the student does not have guarantors or collateral, such as a car. Persons who do not have permanent registration will also not receive approval.

Package of documents

As a rule, to obtain a mortgage, many Russian banks require an impressive package of documents. However, VTB 24 Bank issues a loan for real estate using only two documents. Thus, the client must provide an identification document and have an official certificate of income sufficient to repay the loan on time. The borrower's guarantor must also provide these documents to VTB.

Registration process

To get a mortgage for a student, he needs to go through the same path as other borrowers. It looks like this:

  1. Researching available banking offers on the Russian financial market and searching for a suitable lender with a program (it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the loan terms and use a mortgage calculator).
  2. Collecting the necessary documentation to attach to the mortgage application with a full set of papers.
  3. Submitting an application (you can submit it in advance through the online service of the selected bank or through a personal application to the lender’s branch).
  4. Consideration of the submitted application with all documents (the bank makes a decision on issuing or refusing a loan from 1 to 10 days; the number of days of consideration depends on the complexity of the situation).
  5. Signing of all mortgage documentation, if the bank has made a positive decision (bank employees call the borrower and announce the decision, a day is set for signing the documents, and then the person buys the property and registers it with a special registration authority).
  6. Registration of a transaction by signing papers and agreeing on actions.
  7. Payment of the down payment on the loan from personal funds.
  8. Issuing a loan to the account of the real estate seller, since a mortgage is a targeted loan and in most cases the amount is sent immediately for the purchase of an apartment, house or plot.

In cases where secondary housing is purchased, the property may additionally be assessed by an appraiser. It is prepared by the relevant company that cooperates with the bank.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

The process of applying for a mortgage for a student is no different from the procedure for applying for other VTB banking products. The client must contact the bank branch and apply for a mortgage under the chosen program. He must attach the required documents to it.

After this, VTB takes the application for consideration. As a rule, you should wait for a response from the bank within three days. If the answer is yes, then the client must visit the VTB office again. Further paperwork will take place there. The client is required to sign a credit agreement, in which such entries as the loan amount, monthly payment amount, interest rate, etc. are made, as well as make a down payment. After this, the bank issues the mortgage amount.

The final stage is finding a suitable apartment. It is worth noting that participants in government programs can only apply for housing from those developers who are accredited by VTB. The purchase and sale agreement is drawn up in the standard way.

State employees and other borrowers must make loan repayment contributions every month in any available way. The most convenient way to make payments is through the Internet. Their volume from the loan amount must be no less than that specified in the contract.

Student mortgage from Sberbank

Today, in order to get a mortgage for a student at Sberbank, you need to apply for a standard package, since no other social programs have been created. For this period, there are offers to purchase housing under construction or ready-made, buy a house or apartment using maternity capital as a down payment, take out a loan to build a residential building or buy country real estate.

The minimum amount that can be borrowed from Sberbank for a person over 21 years old is 300 thousand rubles. The maximum amount is calculated based on the papers provided to the bank. The loan term is up to 30 years.

The interest rate is from 9.1%, depending on income, credit history and other indicators. The presence of guarantors, co-borrowers and the classification of the student into another category of borrowers also influences. For example, the mortgage rate is lower if a person has a family at a young age.

Specific terms of the mortgage are approved on an individual basis, taking into account the specifics of his case, the price of the purchased living space, the person’s status, solvency and history of issuing loans.

It is not difficult to obtain a mortgage for a student today at Sberbank, as well as at any other credit institution. To do this, he needs to have a suitable age, a stable income with a job, and no written complaints from other banks.

Pros and cons of mortgage conditions for students for an apartment in Sberbank

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight both negative and positive aspects of concluding a deal. The first includes:

  • The need to confirm a sufficient level of official income.
  • Penalties for late payment. A penalty is charged for each day of delay.
  • Payment for services for opening and maintaining an account.

A small number of shortcomings are present in every case. However, there are much more positive aspects. Here are some of them:

  • Availability. Anyone can get approval. Complying with the requirements is not difficult.
  • Low interest rate.
  • Possibility of receiving preferential conditions.
  • Abundance of programs. Choosing the appropriate option will not be difficult.
  • Long loan term.

A mortgage loan gives every citizen the opportunity to acquire their own home. Sberbank's activities are focused on meeting the needs of citizens from all segments of the population. It is more profitable to pay off a loan for your own apartment than to pay rent for someone else’s property.

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