Requirements for a property with a mortgage

Requirements for the facility by year of construction.

To understand how the bank evaluates the suitability of an object by age, you need to know that there is such an indicator as the standard service life of a building. This information is recorded in the construction passport or technical documentation of the facility. However, which apartments are suitable for a mortgage are determined based on the specified figure. If at the time of application the value exceeds 70%, then the bank will refuse to provide a loan. In some banks, the requirements for the selection of housing are much stricter and only wear and tear of the property is allowed, not exceeding 40%.

To avoid unnecessary paperwork and motivated bank refusal, it is better to clarify information about the year of construction in advance. All comprehensive information on all fundamental buildings in Russia is contained in the Rosreestr database. It is from this department that you can obtain the necessary registration certificate. Why do you need:

  • Pay a state fee of 150 rubles.
  • Send a request through the official website of Rosreestr, attaching a scan of the paid receipt.
  • Receive documents by email within 5 working days.

In addition, you can use free online services such as “Where is this house”, “House type”, “Wikimapia” and others. However, the information they contain may not be accurate or may be missing for some items.

How to choose an apartment with a mortgage

As a rule, it is much easier to get approval for an apartment in a building higher than six floors. However, there are exceptions. Victoria Shcherbakova, head of the brokerage department at Credit Max, Fr. Alexey Kozmin confirms that there are chances to get a mortgage for an apartment in an old building: “You should keep in mind that apartments with wooden floors have not been built since about the 1940s. In Moscow, these are usually expensive apartments in old buildings in the center. They are rarely insured. Our company insured five such apartments last year.”

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Deputy Chairman of the Board of Absolut Bank Oleg Skvortsov, answering the question about the maximum age of the house at the time of receiving the loan, Fr.

Market value of the apartment.

For the bank to make a decision, it needs data on the market value of the apartment. Such information is provided by appraisers working with the bank and having the appropriate certification. It is worth noting that residential premises, in fact, can have three types of value:

  • The seller's price is how much the current owner valued the property.
  • Market value is the average price on the real estate market for a property of this type.
  • Liquidation value is the price at which the bank will be able to sell the apartment as soon as possible if the borrower is unable to fulfill his obligations under the contract. As a rule, its value is 10% - 20% lower than the market value.

As a result of the assessment, the bank will focus specifically on the market and liquidation value, which will be provided by experts. At the same time, the credit institution will be less concerned about the seller’s price. As a result, the mortgage loan is issued equal to the amount submitted by the specialists.

If the seller’s price turns out to be higher than the market price, the borrower will have to cover the difference from his personal funds.

What type of housing can be purchased with a mortgage?

Most mortgage borrowers want to purchase their own corner. That’s why they take out a loan in order to move to more comfortable housing. However, many people want to buy an entrance ticket to the housing market - first buy a room, and only then exchange it for something more spacious. However, banks, as a rule, do not support such clients. Getting a loan for a room is almost impossible. Very few banks provide such mortgage loans. And even those with serious restrictions and higher stakes.

“I submitted an application to the bank for loan approval, and then began to look for suitable housing,” Evgeniy from Moscow told KP. — As a result, I received a certificate from the bank. But then it turned out that I preferred (and for the money) an apartment in a new building. I come to the bank and they tell me that the certificate in this case is invalid. They will give me a loan only if I pledge something else. Where else do I get an apartment? As a result, I had to take out a loan from those banks that financed apartments in this newly built building.

Property location conditions.

In addition to the liquid value, banks pay attention to the location of the property. Its overall liquidity on the market depends on this. If it comes to selling real estate by a credit institution, it must have guarantees that this will happen quickly. No organization is interested in delaying the sale of a property for several years.

As a rule, suburban real estate and properties in unfavorable areas are in much less demand. As a result, this will affect the protracted sale. Therefore, restrictions on the issuance of loans are introduced for such apartments.

The main conditions put forward by banks include:

  • The building is not subject to demolition, resettlement and is not planned for major repairs.
  • The premises are not part of a private or 2-storey house.
  • The building is not part of a hotel complex or hostel.

It is worth noting that in many cases, premises in “Khrushchev” buildings with a panel or block construction are considered unsuitable apartments. And also, refusals can occur for housing located on the lower or upper floor. Because there are high risks of leakage and flooding.

However, such requirements are not introduced everywhere. Some banks, especially newly formed ones, meet their clients halfway and do not take into account the location of the property.

Stalinka buildings with wooden floors – is it worth buying?

There are not many available offers on the capital’s housing market and finding an inexpensive apartment is very difficult. The most affordable prices are hotel-type apartments or one-room apartments in Khrushchev buildings on the outskirts of Moscow. However, there is another type of real estate, the prices of which are relatively low. These are apartments in “Stalin” buildings with wooden floors built in the 50s. Sometimes a consumer, attracted by the low cost of such housing, does not try to learn about its features and get acquainted with them only during the operation of the apartment. Dating is usually unpleasant. Experts from MIC-Real Estate (MC MIC Group) talk about how justified it is to buy an apartment in a Stalinist building with wooden floors.

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Wooden floors cannot withstand heavy weight loads. That is, under certain conditions, neighbors can literally fall from the ceiling on you. Damage is especially common in bathrooms (high humidity has a negative effect on the condition of wooden beams). Therefore, when buying an apartment in a house with wooden floors, you need to find out whether the wooden floors have been replaced, at least in the bathrooms.

Suitability for habitation.

Since real estate with a mortgage is purchased as a residential premises, all conditions must be created for the daily living of people in it. Apartments are suitable for a mortgage if they contain the necessary list of amenities and satisfy basic human needs. In turn, this list includes:

  • Availability of cold and hot water;
  • Plumbing for bath, toilet, kitchen;
  • Availability of heating in each living space (rooms and kitchen);
  • Fully glazed window frames or double glazed windows;
  • The presence of doors at the entrance and between rooms;
  • Electric or gas supply for the kitchen stove;
  • Compliance of the design with the general technical plan of the building.

Legal subtleties

After a two-level inspection of housing to ensure that its value is maintained throughout the entire lending period, it is time for a legal audit, which consists of:

  • assessment of the market value of housing by an independent expert selected by the bank;
  • checking the purity of a future transaction by identifying potential applicants for real estate, including minors, convicted or incompetent people who were discharged in violation of legal requirements;
  • establishing compliance of the parameters of the property with passport data.

Interfering with the seller's machinations

There is a legal requirement that the amount from the sale of real estate owned for less than 3 years is subject to taxation in excess of 1 million rubles. As a result, many homeowners, especially those involved in repurchase, seek to reduce the sales price in the purchase and sale agreement, which, in a transaction involving a financial institution, is only possible if the buyer pays the remaining amount on his own. However, the bank prefers owners whose housing tenure period exceeds three years .
The inflated cost of the apartment, which the owner considers justified, will have to be reduced to a level determined by an expert during an independent audit. If the seller does not agree to the assignment, the bank will not approve the transaction for an amount exceeding that indicated in the examination report. The alternative is to reach an agreement with the buyer, if he is willing to bear additional costs.

Redevelopment must be legal

If, in the process of renovating an apartment sold with a mortgage, reconstruction or redevelopment was carried out that was not officially authorized and not reflected in the technical passport of the premises, then the deal may fall through.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Belyaev

Legal consultant, financial expert


The requirement for mandatory inspection of the layout by BTI specialists, which previously existed, has been abolished as of 2020, and an apartment with redevelopment can be easily sold if the buyer has no complaints. However, the bank's intervention in the procedure for legal support of the transaction makes this condition necessary, complicating the life of the seller who illegally moved the wall or did not receive approval for the permitted reconstruction.

Mortgage for military personnel

Residential properties that meet the requirements for which apartments are suitable for a military mortgage in addition to those located within the city limits may be:

  • cottages;
  • townhouses;
  • private houses with a plot of land;
  • communal apartments owned by one entity.

Which apartments are suitable for a mortgage by design?

In addition to other conditions, the bank also evaluates the design features of the object. If they look unreliable or create the risk of an accident, then such an apartment is not suitable for a mortgage. As a rule, older buildings fall into this category. Despite their monumental facade, the internal structure and communications may be in poor condition.

In particular, such negative aspects include:

  • Wooden roof slabs;
  • Wooden floors;
  • Insulation made from materials susceptible to fire;
  • Not optimally laid network of water supply and gas pipes;
  • Unreliable foundation;
  • And other features.

Mortgage for an “old” apartment

Barrier Reef At the same time, today each lender has its own list of restrictions on objects in old buildings. “For houses built before the 1970s, banks establish a number of prohibitions: based on the material of the floors, the date of major repairs, the percentage of wear and tear of the building, the presence of unapproved redevelopments,” explains Elizaveta Mukharskaya, head of the Mortgage Brokerage Department. “And, naturally, mortgages are not given for apartments in buildings that are subject to major repairs, demolition, or reconstruction.”

Obtaining a mortgage loan to purchase an apartment in a house built 50 or more years ago has a number of features. In St. Petersburg, banks issue such loans more readily than in the country as a whole. But provided that the mortgaged apartment does not fall into any of the city’s renovation programs.

08 Aug 2020 piterurist 496

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No apartment restrictions.

Housing purchased with a mortgage must be “clean” from a legal point of view. And this means that:

  • He has not been seized, and the premises are not listed as collateral.
  • All previously conducted purchase and sale transactions were officially formalized.
  • The seller is a capable owner.
  • The owners or co-owners of the apartment are not minors, disabled people, or other categories of persons registered with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • All previously registered persons have been discharged from the apartment.

This check is carried out by the legal staff of the credit institution, drawing up an appropriate conclusion. It is worth noting that a number of restrictions may be imposed on transactions between close relatives: parents, children, spouses.

Unreliable apartments: what kind of housing banks will not accept as collateral for a mortgage

The guarantee for a mortgage loan is usually the home that the buyer plans to purchase on credit. However, any other premises owned by a potential borrower or a third party can also become the subject of collateral. However, it is extremely important for financiers that the loan collateral is reliable, so banks are extremely demanding of housing, which becomes the subject of collateral. This material will help a potential borrower understand which real estate the bank will not accept as collateral, which will reduce the time spent searching for suitable mortgage housing.

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Availability of necessary documents.

To complete a transaction, the bank requires the seller to have a full package of documents. In turn, this list may differ in different organizations. But, as a rule, it includes the following documents:

  • Certificate of ownership;
  • Extract from the unified state register of rights to real estate;
  • Copies of passports of the owners of residential premises;
  • Technical passport and cadastral passport;
  • Certificate from the passport service about registration of residents in the apartment;
  • Written consent of the owner’s husband or wife, certified by a notary;
  • Certificate from the housing office confirming that there are no debts on utility bills.

Moreover, in some cases, the bank may request additional documents stating that the owner is not registered with a drug treatment clinic or a psychiatric clinic. And also fully capable.

Is it possible to get a subsidy for the construction of a wooden house?

Preferential housing construction was introduced by the Government to support domestic producers. In Russia, the need to revive wooden construction has long been overdue. Forest is a strategic resource that can replace oil. And since there are a lot of forests in Russia (28 trillion), why not develop them?

In this way, the government is trying to increase the demand for wooden construction. The program emphasizes that the mortgage is issued “for the purchase of a factory-made wooden house.” Therefore, it is possible to receive a subsidy for the construction of a wooden house within the framework of a “wooden mortgage,” but only for those who fulfill all the conditions of the lending bank participating in the program.

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Officially working citizens can also receive tax benefits in the form of 13% personal income tax from the legally established amount of 2 million rubles. from mortgage funds and 390 thousand rubles. – refund of income tax on amounts up to 3 million rubles. The maximum possible compensation will be 640 thousand rubles. This benefit is provided one time.

What is a wooden mortgage

These are preferential lending conditions that have been in effect by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation since April 1, 2018. The main advantage of the program, which makes it easier to purchase real estate, is a reduction in the interest rate by 5%. The average rate when buying a wooden house is about 15%, which exceeds the annual percentage for stone, brick, panel and other buildings. State subsidization of the mortgage rate allows it to be reduced to the level of favorable conditions for purchasing housing made of other materials (9-11%).

To participate in the program, the borrower, the property being purchased, and the manufacturer of wood building materials must meet established requirements.

Documents required for reporting

Reporting documents are necessary for the bank to track the expenditure of funds taken by the borrower from the lender. The bank will require from the client:

  1. Personal documents: passport with registration in the house, certificate of family composition, marriage certificate, etc.
  2. All documents for the purchased wooden house: house design, permit for construction and commissioning, cadastral and technical passports, contract agreements, purchase and sale agreements, extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  3. Confirmation from the Registration Chamber about the removal of the encumbrance.
  4. Payment documents confirming the costs of building a house and paying land taxes for the first month of home ownership (checks, receipts).

Bank conditions

Mandatory conditions for banks are a good credit history of the borrower, willingness to provide loan security and compliance with down payment requirements. The payment can range from 10%, which is recommended by the program, to 50% of the cost of the house.

For quick approval, the borrower must have a good credit history.

The main collateral for the mortgage is the purchased home or other real estate that meets the bank’s requirements. Additional collateral may be the presence of a co-borrower and a guarantor, who are jointly and severally liable for the loan.

How to get a mortgage for a wooden house: step-by-step instructions

Let us present the stages of obtaining a “wooden mortgage” step by step.

Step one - choose a suitable bank and submit an application

You should not apply to the first bank you see. It is better to analyze the conditions of all banks participating in this program. To quickly search for a list of banks and analyze conditions, go to services such as:


See this same topic: What is an apartment mortgage?

These sites will help you navigate the issue of choosing a bank.

Next, select 3-4 credit institutions that fit your parameters, read customer reviews about them, track their level on the Central Bank website and choose the most optimal lender. Apply for a coveted mortgage. This can be done remotely on the bank’s website or in person by visiting a branch of a credit institution.

Step two - submit documents

Having received a positive response to your application, collect a package of documents (see above).

If a co-borrower is involved in the mortgage, then he will have to collect a similar package of documents.

Do not forget that the bank has the right to request additional papers. The presence of a guarantee also requires the collection of documents for an individual acting as a guarantor of loan repayment.

The period for reviewing documents is from 5 days to 4 weeks.

Step three - order a real estate valuation report

This procedure is ordered and paid for by the borrower. Tariffs for the service are unstable: an expert’s assessment costs from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles. Where can I order this service? It’s worth asking the bank employees about this: they will issue a list of appraisers accredited by their institution.

Contact the appraisal office by phone, online, or come in person. To speed up the process, send copies via email:

  1. Borrower's passports;
  2. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  3. Real estate documentation.

The appraiser will come to the house, inspect the site, premises, and take the necessary photos. The report will be ready in 2-3 days.

Step four - sign the mortgage agreement

Well, all the documents have been collected, all that remains is to carefully study the mortgage agreement, study the payment schedule and, if everything is satisfactory, sign in 3 copies. But first, the bank will require you to take out insurance for the wooden structure.

Features of the loan

It is worth immediately understanding that not every financial institution is ready to finance an undertaking with a structure made from natural raw materials. Timber is inferior to the long service life of brick, and most importantly, to fire safety indicators.

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But still, a number of lenders will be able to consider an application based on certain collateral requirements:

  • "Raifeisenbank"
  • Bank opening",
  • "Unicredit"
  • "VTB 24",
  • "DeltaCredit"
  • "Sberbank of Russia"

All of them do not have special programs for issuing loans for houses made of timber, but their conditions for obtaining a loan are approximately the same.

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