How does the savings and mortgage system work for military personnel in 2020?

Current edition, document history, changes

The Russian Federation is a legal and social state, one of the main tasks of which is the social security of its citizens. For this purpose, a number of legislative acts were adopted (for example, Federal Law 166 or Federal Law 165, etc.). Social security issues also concern military personnel.

One of the most difficult problems in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is providing housing conditions for military personnel. To solve this problem, the state has developed a certain mechanism and system.

The basis of this mechanism is a specific legislative act - Federal Law No. 117 on the savings mortgage system. It was adopted in 2004. But it began to be applied from the beginning of next year. This legislative act provides for the procedure and rules for providing housing to those military personnel included in the relevant register.

The prerequisite for the adoption of such a law was the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” This legal act not only regulates the list of those persons who are considered military personnel, but also provides for the state’s obligation to provide military personnel with living quarters. At the same time, family members of military personnel are also given the same right.

Legislation changes very often. This legislative act is not an exception, as certain changes and amendments have been made from time to time. During the period of its validity, this legal act was amended 17 times. Moreover, during 2020 alone, 3 changes were made. The same number of changes were made last year.

The last amendment to this legislative act was made in March of this year. At the moment, the current version of the document with the latest changes dated 03/07/2017. At the moment it consists of 7 chapters and 36 articles.

General provisions of the law on the savings and mortgage system for military personnel

We will review the current version of the law, with changes until 2020.

The first chapter of the federal law is traditionally devoted to general provisions. It is immediately noted here that this document was created to regulate relations that are associated with the nuances of the use, investment and formation of funds intended to provide military housing. All laws according to which military personnel are provided with housing are briefly covered.

The emphasis is on the fact that all domestic legislation is primarily based on the norms of international law and the Constitution. In addition, the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation also play an important role. It is the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel that makes it possible to solve the military’s housing problems using budget funds. It is extremely important that everything is as transparent as possible. All details are specified in the law.

Of particular interest is the third article of the first chapter, where all the basic concepts appearing in the law are revealed. This information will be useful to anyone who is faced with the need for mortgage lending while being a military member.

  1. The savings-mortgage system for providing military housing is the entire set of organizational, economic and legal relations that are aimed at realizing the military’s rights to housing.
  2. Participants in this system are all military personnel included in a certain register.
  3. The register of participants is a list that includes all participants in the savings-mortgage system. The register is formed by the relevant federal body.
  4. The operation of the entire system is ensured by a specially appointed federal body.
  5. Savings contributions are money allocated from the budget. They are accounted for in a special savings account.
  6. Savings for housing include funds from management companies transferred to them in trust, as well as savings contributions.
  7. Each participant in the system has his own personal account with savings. It contains all the information about savings, contributions, investment profits, debts and collateral.
  8. There is also a targeted housing loan. It includes money provided to the participant on a reimbursable or gratuitous basis.
  9. There is also an index investment fund, from which money is used to invest in securities.
  10. All savings contributions of a participant during the period of military service constitute the estimated total contribution.
  11. They receive income from investing. They include interest on bank deposits, securities, and dividends.
  12. The investment portfolio combines all securities and funds that are transferred to trust management on the basis of an agreement.
  13. There is also a so-called investment mandate, which lists all types of assets.
  14. The total investment portfolio combines all assets that are under trust management.

All these terms will be useful when concluding contracts and signing papers related to the savings-mortgage system for providing military housing. Each serviceman who logs into the system receives a personal registration number as a participant in the savings-mortgage system, and the funds are transferred to his personal account.

General points

According to the general rule, the first chapter of the law, as a rule, contains general information and provides for those concepts that are used in its text. The Federal Law “On the Savings Mortgage System” is no exception.

The first chapter consists of 3 articles and contains definitions of the following concepts:

  • NIS is a set of certain legal relations, the main purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of the military’s right to housing;
  • Savings - this concept consists of three elements - contributions (money transferred from the state budget), income that was received as a result of investing these contributions, transferred to the relevant institution on the basis of a trust management agreement, and finances that were received from other sources provided for by current legislation;
  • NIS participants can be contract workers and they must be included in the appropriate register (this requires a corresponding order);
  • savings account – an account that includes information about all savings;
  • a targeted housing loan can be characterized as funds that are provided to military personnel in accordance with the terms of this legislative act. Borrowed money can be provided both on a reimbursable and gratuitous basis;
  • The register of system participants is maintained by the relevant authorized state bodies, which is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Above were the basic concepts that are provided for in this legal act.

How to become a participant in the mortgage program

Not all military personnel can become participants in the preferential program for purchasing residential property on credit. The military mortgage system is targeted and applies to certain groups of Russian citizens. The following have the right to rely on purchasing housing with a military mortgage:

  • Career military personnel - officers, warrant officers, contract soldiers - who began serving in the ranks of the Republic of Armenia in 2005.
  • Career military personnel who returned to military service from the reserves after 2005.
  • Contractors serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of long-term contracts exceeding 5 years.
  • Long-term servicemen who decided to enter into a contract for a second term after Federal Law No. 117 came into force.
  • Personnel employees of the FSB, equal in status to military personnel.
  • A number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations serving in paramilitary rescue units.
  • Career military personnel transferred to the reserve due to deterioration in their health - injury, work injury or disease, the direct cause of which was the performance of military duties.
  • Defense Ministry employees dismissed from the army as a result of the disbandment of their military unit, or as a result of termination of a contract due to any other circumstances beyond their control. In the last two cases, service life does not matter, that is, it can be less than three years.

As we see, civil servants of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as soldiers and sergeants of conscript service cannot count on preferential purchase of housing at the expense of the state. The above categories of military personnel and persons equivalent to them have the right to become participants in a military mortgage only three years after signing the contract. To do this they will need:

  • After three years of service, you must submit a report to your immediate commander. In it, you should notify the military authorities of your desire to become a participant in the military mortgage program.
  • Provide the command with a photocopy of your civil passport, and for contract employees, a copy of the concluded contract.
  • Wait for notification that your name is included in the Rosvoenipoteka register. The citizen receives a personal registration number and an individual savings account. From this moment, cash subsidies begin to be credited to your open personal account.
  • The housing department is responsible for considering the inclusion of a serviceman in the register. At the same time, neither the applicant’s title, nor his marital status, nor the presence or absence of children influence the decision. The period for consideration of the application should not exceed 3 months.
  • Three years after inclusion in the register, the serviceman has the right to use the money accumulated in the account at that time to pay the down payment for the purchased apartment. It should be borne in mind that the amount of the down payment cannot be less than 10% of the total cost of the home purchased with a mortgage. If the funds accumulated over three years are not enough for this, then you can wait longer - any time necessary to accumulate the required amount in the account.

If an officer or contract soldier, who has already become a participant in the preferential mortgage program, decides to terminate the military contract before its expiration, or this contract is terminated at the initiative of the Ministry of Defense due to some disciplinary offense, then he loses all rights to benefits. After cancellation of the contract, the citizen is excluded from the registry list, and his personal account is closed.

At the same time, he also loses the rights to the funds accumulated in his account by this time. The exception is the situation when, before breaking the contract, the officer or long-term conscript served in the ranks of the RA for more than ten years. In this case, he retains the right to use the money accumulated in his mortgage account to pay the down payment when purchasing an apartment.

How is NIS organized?

The savings and mortgage system (hereinafter referred to as NIS) consists of certain elements. In particular, military personnel can exercise their right to housing through the following mechanism:

  • opening a personal savings account;
  • depositing savings into this account;
  • applying for a targeted loan;
  • making payments based on the relevant decision of the authorized body as a supplement to the amount of savings. To accrue such payments, an order from an authorized body is required. In this case, this amount of money is equal to the amount of money that a serviceman could have received before the date when the duration of his military service would have been 20 years. These payments can be made to both NIS participants and their relatives or family members in cases provided for by current legislation.

Since the source of savings is the federal budget, their size is determined annually by adopting the appropriate legislative act. When determining their size, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the amount of transferred contributions for the previous year;
  • inflation rate;
  • forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the next year.

As evidenced by the relevant order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the authorized state body must keep records of contributions. Accounting must be carried out from the first day of the next month until the day of its closure.

As the law states, funds placed in a savings account are the property of the Russian Federation, and not of a specific serviceman. They cannot be transferred to the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, they cannot be the subject of collateral.

In this system, government bodies that are vested with certain powers become important. Among them, a special place is occupied by those government bodies in which citizens serve in military service. Their powers include the following:

  • formation and maintenance of a register of those NIS participants who serve with them;
  • sending notifications to the authorized state body about the change of place of duty of a specific NIS participant;
  • providing the relevant government agency with information on the number of participants in the NIS for further drafting of the law on the federal budget;
  • send notifications to NIS participants about their inclusion or exclusion from the NIS register;
  • in cases provided for by current legislation, making appropriate payments to military personnel or members of their family.

The authorized federal body also has certain powers (as the Government order states, this is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation). In particular, the authorized state body is vested with the following powers:

  • obtaining budgetary allocations for the formation of appropriate contributions;
  • accounting of savings accounts;
  • holding a depository tender, as well as concluding a corresponding agreement;
  • processing and issuing a loan, etc.

The council for investing savings has an important place in the system of government bodies. It is this body that exercises control over the procedure for investing funds. The members of this body are representatives of SROs operating in the field of securities, other public organizations and government bodies.

How to register with NIS

In order to become a participant in the NIS, a serviceman must comply with the categories of military personnel entitled to receive a military mortgage established by 117-FZ. These categories include:

  • military personnel with the rank of officer who entered into their first contract for service in the RF Armed Forces after 2005;
  • warrant officers, midshipmen and petty officers with a contract duration of more than 3 years;
  • soldiers, sailors, sergeants with a repeat contract concluded after the start of the state program.

The registration procedure itself in NIS is carried out in two ways:

  • automatically (the register and lists of military participants are formed in educational institutions and upon concluding a contract for service without the participation of the military man himself);
  • using an application (military personnel who do not fall under the requirements of federal legislation can, on their own initiative, submit a report addressed to their immediate superiors with a request to become a member of the NIS and subsequently receive a preferential mortgage).

If the outcome of the case is positive, the applicant will be included in the register and will receive a supporting certificate. After this, Rosvoenipoteka will assign the military man a unique identification number (registration number of a participant in the savings-mortgage system) and open a personal savings account, to which government funds will then be credited.

How the personal account of a member of the NIS institution of the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka works is discussed in detail in the next post.

Using savings

The Federal Law “On the Savings and Mortgage System” clearly provides for the procedure and directions for using the funds accumulated in the serviceman’s account. As follows from the legislative wording, these funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • purchasing a house, apartment or other residential premises;
  • purchasing a plot of land on which a residential building is located and which is necessary for the use of this house;
  • payment of the down payment amount on a military mortgage (under the conditions provided by the law on registration of a military mortgage) or when applying for another loan for the purchase of housing;
  • payment of part of the required amount of money when participating in shared construction;
  • repaying a mortgage loan.

These are all the purposes for using savings. But besides this, the law also provides for certain conditions. For example, a serviceman can use these funds only after 3 years have passed from the date of his participation in the NIS. In addition, it is necessary to remember that the purchased housing or land becomes the subject of collateral.

The law also regulates those cases when NIS participants are married. They can enter into a targeted loan agreement separately. Moreover, each of them must be a participant in the NIS for at least 3 years, and what is acquired with borrowed funds becomes the object of their joint ownership.

The standard form of a loan agreement, as well as the procedure and rules for obtaining a mortgage loan, are provided for by the relevant legislative act (order of the Government of the Russian Federation).

The authorized state body provides a targeted loan for the period of military service of a citizen. During this period of time, the loan is considered interest-free.

The law also provides for the procedure for repaying a targeted loan. In particular, its repayment is carried out by an authorized state body when grounds arise, provided for by current legislation. The following can be cited as such grounds:

  • duration of military service is 20 years or more;
  • the serviceman was discharged but served at least 10 years;
  • the military has reached the maximum age for service;
  • inability to perform their duties due to health problems.

If a military man died or was declared dead or missing, then in this case the amount of savings contributions can be received by members of his family.

If a serviceman left the service ahead of schedule without the grounds provided for by current legislation, then he must return the amount of monthly payments paid by the authorized state body. In such a situation, an appropriate schedule is drawn up, and the period for repayment of the entire debt amount cannot exceed 10 years.

The concept of NIS and legal framework

The savings and mortgage system for military personnel was created with one main goal - to help military personnel and their families acquire comfortable housing with the help of mortgages on preferential terms. Let us examine in more detail the features of the implementation of the state program with the participation of NIS.

On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, in order to realize the rights to own housing with the help of a mortgage for military personnel, in 2005 a savings-mortgage system (NIS) was developed and began its work. For this purpose, the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” was created, the main functions of which are:

  • posting on the official website all necessary information for the population;
  • preparation of documents and certificates;
  • maintaining a register of participants;
  • accounting of all savings in accounts;
  • implementation of measures aimed at obtaining funds for military personnel;
  • other functions provided for by law.

All functioning of the savings and mortgage system is regulated by the following regulations:

  1. Federal Law No. 117 “On the NIS of housing provision for military personnel” dated August 20, 2004.
  2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Decree of the Government of Russia No. 655 of November 7, 2005 “On the procedure for functioning of the NIS of housing provision for military personnel.”

The main one, of course, is 117-FZ, which establishes the obligations, rights of the parties involved, features of the targeted expenditure of funds and other restrictions and opportunities.

The essence of the NIS lies in monthly subsidies from the federal budget to the personal accounts of military personnel participating in the system from the very moment of registration/receipt of a confirming certificate. The balance of funds in each account is determined by the total term of participation and the established contribution amount.

You can use the money accumulated in the account only after 3 years from the date of its opening to pay the down payment on the mortgage or pay off part of the current debt under the loan agreement.

Military mortgage allows NIS participants to buy an apartment or a separate house in both the primary and secondary real estate markets. The acquisition of land for the purpose of further construction under this program is not permitted.

Investing savings

As mentioned above, funds in the savings accounts of NIS participants are also generated from investment activities. The Federal Law on NIS carefully regulates the procedure and directions for investing cash savings. The law states that accumulated funds can be invested only in those areas specified in this legal act.

These include:

  • securities of the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • shares of foreign or Russian issuers;
  • deposits opened with credit institutions;
  • mortgage securities, etc.

The law prohibits the use of savings to purchase securities that were issued by management companies, credit institutions or other institutions with which a service agreement has been concluded. In addition, investing in those organizations that have been declared bankrupt or against which bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated is also prohibited. The main purpose of such bans is to ensure the safety of military personnel’s savings.

For the purpose of investing cash savings, a trust management agreement is concluded. The founder in this case is the Russian Federation, on behalf of which the authorized state body acts. It is he who organizes the competition and selects the appropriate manager to conclude the agreement. An individual entrepreneur or a specialized organization that has permission to carry out such activities can act as a trustee.

The trustee, in turn, must carry out activities and invest funds in accordance with the terms of the agreement. At the same time, they must comply with all restrictions established by current legislation.


  • must keep records of managed funds;
  • cannot enter into transactions that contradict the requirements of current legislation;
  • must carry out the activity personally;
  • cannot enter into a pledge agreement for the property entrusted to him or transfer it to a third party.

You need to know that income received as a result of investment is not the property of the trustee, and he cannot freely dispose of them. But at the same time, he has the right to receive a certain remuneration for his activities, the amount and procedure for payment of which are provided for in the agreement concluded with the authorized government body.

The agreement with the manager is concluded for a period of up to 3 years. But its validity can also be extended. The law establishes the grounds for early termination of this agreement. For example, the contract may be terminated earlier than the specified period if the manager is declared bankrupt or if his license to carry out such activities is revoked.

Participation in NIS and use of savings

The legislation annually establishes the amount of the NIS contribution, which will be transferred to the military personnel to his personal account. The transfer is carried out by dividing this amount into equal 12 parts - that is, for each calendar month. In 2020, the contribution of the savings-mortgage system is 288,410 rubles. This amount is subject to annual indexation and adjustment taking into account inflation.

After three years of participation in the NIS, when there is already a sufficient amount in the account, the serviceman will be able to use these funds to apply for a targeted housing loan under the preferential “Military Mortgage” program. In summary, the process of implementing the NIS program is as follows:

  1. Choosing housing

Since 2020, military personnel have been given the right to independently choose the property to be purchased, including the district of the city or town, house, number of floors, layout and area. But naturally, there are a lot of restrictions imposed both by Rosvoenipoteka and banks. Housing must be included in the list of facilities accredited by these structural divisions (you can find out more specifically on the websites or in person) and meet the established requirements. Such requirements include the permissible level of wear and tear of the building (for the secondary market), the presence of necessary communications, compliance with all social and sanitary standards according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, etc. It will not be possible to buy dilapidated housing subject to demolition or reconstruction, as well as apartments with illegal redevelopment . No one will give such permission.

  1. Studying offers in banks

NIS participants will be able to obtain a mortgage loan only from certain partner banks. Currently, 13 largest Russian banks are implementing such programs, including Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Svyaz Bank, Zenit Bank and others. The lending conditions in them are quite similar, but there are still some differences. They relate to the interest rate, type of payments, the need for insurance and the requirements for the borrower. Before making a final choice in favor of a specific lender, the client is recommended to study the loan parameters in detail and use a visual mortgage calculator, which will allow you to estimate the final cost of the loan in advance and in case of force majeure (for example, dismissal) be prepared for such a financial burden.

  1. Preparation of a package of documents and submission of a loan application

Along with the NIS participant certificate, the military man will have to provide the bank with a minimum set of documents, including a Russian passport, an application form and documents for the purchased property. Some banks may additionally require a marriage certificate, SNILS, consent of the spouse to receive a loan and transfer of housing as collateral. For secondary real estate, it will be necessary to provide a report on a professional assessment of the property (the assessment is carried out at the serviceman’s own expense).

  1. Submitting the submitted application to the Credit Committee and making a final decision

Like any other mortgage application, an application for a military mortgage is considered at least 5-7 days, since a thorough check of the provided documents and real estate, in particular, is required. The maximum duration for making a decision does not exceed 14 working days. After this, the final decision will be immediately announced to the client.

  1. Conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement

If the bank makes a positive decision in favor of the potential borrower, then the next stage will be the conclusion of a tripartite purchase and sale agreement between the buyer (NIS participant), the seller and Rosvoenipoteka. The contract must stipulate in the clause on the procedure for payment for the purchased housing that the transfer of money will take place using borrowed funds.

  1. Conclusion of a mortgage agreement

The mortgage agreement is concluded after agreeing on all details and terms of registration with the bank and Rosvoenipoteka. A payment schedule will be a mandatory annex to the agreement. After signing the contract and schedule, Rosvoenipoteka will transfer the amount of the down payment to the account of the real estate seller. All operations by this body are carried out exclusively in non-cash form, which allows for maximum transparency of all procedures. All terms for receiving money are set out in detail in the mortgage agreement. As soon as the government agency transfers the money to the seller, the remaining amount will be credited by the creditor bank.

  1. Fulfillment of loan obligations by the borrower

The current payment schedule details the terms of repayment of the client's debt, broken down by month. The repayment scheme is such that every month money from the budget is received into the military account as part of the annual contribution, which is written off as payment under the concluded mortgage agreement. Since the contribution amount can be adjusted, the schedule will also change accordingly. The new schedule is sent by Rosvoenipoteka to each borrower, or can be obtained directly from the bank.

If the monthly payment from the state budget is enough to service the mortgage debt, then the serviceman does not contribute any of his own funds. If not, then the remaining part is paid by him. The agreement also allows for repayment of the debt ahead of schedule in full or in part.

How to get a military mortgage to buy an apartment in a new building in 2020?

Initially, the serviceman must write a report addressed to the unit commander to obtain a certificate of a targeted housing loan (validity period of the Central Housing Loan - 6 months), then submit it to the bank along with an identity card to obtain preliminary approval for a mortgage. The financial institution will also provide a list of accredited developers and/or new buildings, if there are any restrictions.

After choosing an apartment, you must provide the credit institution with a standard mortgage package of documents:

- passport and military ID,

- certificate of targeted housing loan,

— notarized consent of the spouse to complete the transaction or marriage contract,

- birth certificates of children,

— a preliminary agreement on the conclusion in the future of an agreement for participation in shared construction of a residential building,

— additional documents at the bank’s request.

An account is opened at the bank to receive funds.

The next step will be the conclusion of an agreement on the central housing estate with the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka", the signing of a loan agreement with the bank and an equity participation agreement (DPA) with the seller of the apartment in the new building. All documents related to the transaction are sent to Rosvoenipoteka.

Conditions for approving a military mortgage in 2020

Mortgages for military personnel are provided for a period of up to 20 years, while the age of the borrower at the time of the last payment should not exceed 45 years.

The purchased home will be used as collateral, just like with a regular home loan. Registration of necessary insurance policies is mandatory.

The savings and mortgage system should become the main tool for providing military personnel with housing in the coming years

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the popularity of military mortgages has increased by more than 2.5 times since 2012. Today, the number of participants in this system exceeds the total number of those who received permanent housing or housing certificates and subsidies from the department.

Rules for participation in the program

The state loan program for military personnel consists of two stages:

  1. Registration in Rosvoenipoteka as a participant in NIS.
  2. Registration of a military mortgage.

Each stage has its own rules and conditions. But the first thing to clarify is whether the service member is included in the category of persons eligible to participate in the program. Federal Law No. 117 contains a complete list of contract workers who can receive budget funding. If we try to combine them with common criteria, we get the following picture: those military personnel who have served at least three years under a contract can count on purchasing housing at the expense of the state. The specified period includes the period of receiving education in specialized military training institutions. It is also important whether a particular citizen expects to connect his life with this type of profession. Dismissal from the Ministry of Defense will lead to the fact that the former contractor will be forced to repay the loan himself, and if it comes to forced resignation due to gross violation of labor discipline, the property itself will be returned to account for the funds previously allocated from the budget.

At the time of applying for a mortgage loan, the serviceman is required to renew his contract with the Ministry of Defense. The duration of the new document is not specified, but it is generally accepted that it should be no less than five years.

Accumulation system

You can get a military mortgage only after the serviceman becomes a full member of the NIS.

From the moment a report is submitted to include the applicant in the list of recipients of budget funds for the purchase of housing, the process is considered to have begun. Rosvoenipoteka specialists create a current account in the name of the report submitter and funds begin to be credited to it. Receipts are made once a year, and the amount is determined by government officials, taking into account indexation over the past period.

From the moment of initial registration with Rosvoenipoteka, at least three years must pass before a contractor can begin processing a military mortgage in the chosen bank. But the maximum period of savings is determined only by the NIS participant himself and the time of his retirement.

The state program provides for a strictly developed savings system. Their amount does not depend on the time of service, military rank and the amount of allowance; it is the same for all NIS participants.

Annual contribution amount

In 2005, for the functioning of the new state program to provide housing for military personnel, the amount of subsidies per participant was established. Subsequently, the amount of state aid was annually revised and increased due to inflation. If we present the past years in full, the increasing trend looked like this:

  1. 2005 – 37,000 rubles.
  2. 2006 – 40 600.
  3. 2007 – 82 800.
  4. 2008 – 89 900.
  5. 2009 – 168 000.
  6. 2010 – 175 600.
  7. 2011 – 189 800.
  8. 2012 – 205 200.
  9. 2013 – 222 000.
  10. 2014 – 233 100.
  11. 2015 – 245 800.
  12. 2016 – 245 800.
  13. 2017 – 260 141.
  14. 2018 – 268 465,6.

Subsequently, amounts will be indexed as necessary. Part of the savings is used as a down payment, and the rest is used to pay off monthly loan installments.

Methods for checking savings

The amount of savings of a serviceman depends on two factors:

  1. The size of budget transfers.
  2. Duration of participation in the program.

The start of the countdown for enrollment in the ranks of NIS participants is an individual date. Budget funds are transferred not in a single amount, but every month in the amount of 1/12 of the established annual transfer. All together, this does not allow you to offhand determine the amount of accumulated funds in the account yourself.

A serviceman has the right to check at any time exactly how much is in his account. This can be done in several ways, but each of them assumes that the participant knows the individual number assigned to him. This information is provided by Rosvoenipoteka in writing. If for some reason the letter is lost or not received, you can look up the number from the head of the unit, since the data on the assigned numbering is attached to the serviceman’s personal file and is stored throughout the entire period of service and even after retirement.

Having the registration number in hand, the contract soldier can submit a report to the head of the unit with a request to provide him with data on existing savings. This method takes too long, since the answer comes within a month. There is an option that allows you to obtain information much faster and without the participation of your superiors in this process. To do this you need:

  1. Register on the Rosvoenipoteka website. Registration involves creating a personal account with entering the personal data of the NIS participant.
  2. In your account, select the “Requests” tab, and fill in all the lines in the field that appears.

Once the required data has been entered and the request has been sent, a response regarding the accrual amount will be received within 10 calendar days. It will be delivered by email and to your personal account on the Rosvoenipoteka website.

Formation of a register of system participants: inclusion and exclusion

It is important to know on what basis they can include participants in the register, which becomes the reason for exclusion from it.

Receiving the first military rank of an officer becomes the reason for inclusion in the register for the following categories:

  • Military personnel who entered service under a contract, where an officer rank was provided in the state. The period is considered to be from January 1, 2008.
  • Persons who graduated from military educational organizations, both higher and professional, and in the period after January 1, 2005, entered into the first contract for military service.
  • Military personnel who have completed junior officer training courses and subsequently received the rank of officer. The period is considered from January 1, 2008.

The following categories of military personnel need to submit a written application with a request to be included in the register of participants:

  • Midshipmen, warrant officers who have served under a contract for three years since January 1, 2005, if the first contract was concluded before the designated period.
  • If a person became an officer in the process of training, and received military education in the period from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008.
  • Persons who received military education between January 1, 2005 and before the onset of this period entered into a contract for military service.
  • Petty officers and sailors, sergeants and soldiers.
  • Military personnel who received ranks after appointment to a position where the officer rank is provided for by the state. The period from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008 is considered.
  • Persons who received the rank while serving under a contract and entering a position where the officer rank provides for staff. The period from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2008 is considered.
  • If the military during the same period, from 2005 to 2008, became officers after completing junior officer training courses.

There are other reasons why military personnel are included in the register of participants in the savings-mortgage system.

Some military personnel voluntarily leave the reserves and enter service. If they were not excluded from the register and did not receive payments, they only need to conclude a new service contract in order to again receive all the rights of a participant in the system.

If military personnel returned to service from the reserve voluntarily, but before that they received payment and were excluded from the register, the basis for re-inclusion may be a total duration of service of more than 20 years.

If midshipmen and warrant officers entered into their first military contract after January 1, 2005, but managed to serve for more than three years, they also have the right to become participants in the system.

For officers who entered the service voluntarily or called up for service, it is enough to conclude the first contract for military service.

Exclusion from the registry

Those who retire from military service are excluded from the register of system participants. Of course, all persons whom the state has already provided with living quarters cease to be participants.

It is important to note that housing from a specialized housing stock is an exception.

Also, persons who are declared dead or missing are excluded from the register.

Using savings in the account

Funds from the personal savings account of a system participant can be used in some cases. The entire amount remains available under certain conditions. This possibility arises if the total period of military service of the person was twenty or more years.

If a military man retires after ten years for health reasons, due to reaching the age limit for service, for health reasons or due to organizational and staffing measures, he also has the right to use savings. In addition, funds are used when a military man is discharged for health reasons, declared dead or missing.

It is worth noting that the conclusion of contracts and the preparation of all necessary documents to improve housing conditions are the responsibilities of the authorized federal body. The law itself is quite extensive, but we have covered all the key points. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with the text itself and the comments to it.

Video: Formation of savings in the personal accounts of NIS participants, grounds and procedure for receiving them, features of use

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